rebecca top

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Einen absolut fantastischen, mitreißenden, in seiner Großartigkeit kaum zu beschreibenden Auftritt in der Bar jeder Vernunft habt ihr da abgeliefert. Unglaubliche Talente werden da auf der Bühne vereint. Was so überschwenglich klingt, kommt absolut von Herzen. Ich freue mich auf's nächste Jahr und auf das neue Programm.

PS: Ein riesiges Lob auch an Peter, der mich schon in Form von Art of Mouth schwer begeistert hat!

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-10-16, 20:33

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Hallo Rebecca und Colin,

heute habe ich im zdfTheater-TV-Sender Euren Auftritt gesehen.
Es gibt nur eine Kritik: dass Ihr die Südwestdeutsche Ecke - naja, fast ganz Baden-Württemberg - immer überspringt. Ihr wisst aber, dass es uns gibt und dass wir sehr interessiert in Kultur sind??
Vielleicht wäre das ZMF in Freiburg mal einen Abstecher hierher wert?!
Macht weiter so - dieser Humor gepaart mit Musikalität ist nicht zu toppen!!!

Liebe Grüße
(aus der Kulturdiaspora Freiburg)

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-09-04, 16:52

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great show yesterday at the Wühlmäuse hope your back soon.

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-06-26, 17:25

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Dear Rebecca, dear Collin!!! WOOOOWW!!
We met us in PFORZHEIM, yesterday.
And I have to say: I WANT MORE!!!!
It was so funny, you really destroyed my make up
because I laughed so much!!!

Ihr habt es geschafft in 1 1/2h mein Leben zu
verändern und um einiges zu berreichern!!:!inlove:
Vielen Dank dafür!!!
In Liebe
Jessica *LACH*

I hope you had a good FAHRT MUAHAHAHAA
Maybe interresting:
In Germany we say sometimes "einen fahren lassen" for * * *
Have nice sunny day! :!clap:

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-04-25, 16:23

Your comment / Ihr Eintrag:
Dear Rebecca, dear Colin,

I´ve seen you in Braunau about a year ago and our friends, me and my wife can´t wait to see you again, but there is no show in Austria this year. Please remember to go to Austria (Linz, Posthof or Wels Schlachthof I would suggest) if you are planinng your next show.

Thank you.

Greatings from Wels(Austria)


P.S. We would even go to Passau if nessesary.....

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-04-06, 00:15

Your comment / Ihr Eintrag:
Hello Rebecca,

i've seen you in Göppingen with Colin and the Lumberjack Bigband.
It was a fantastic evening. Never was that laughing before.

I think it was a good experience for everybody and a great performance... :)

Hope to see you with Colin and Lumberjack again in Göppingen.

Regards Richard

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-03-09, 11:12

Your comment / Ihr Eintrag:
It's me again! Sorry, but I just wanted to know what "Carrington-Brown reloaded" means?
'cause I askt my mom to come to a show and in the Tourdates [in May] it says : "Carrington-Brown reloaded"!!
Just wantede to know if it is something different!!

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-02-21, 10:23

Your comment / Ihr Eintrag:
I love you Rebecca and Colin!
My mom got the new DVD from a friend!
The friend was at one show and got it signed for my mom's B-Day!!
I watch the DVD every day. I know everything by heart now!! xD
I'm 13 and an American, but I live in Germany [don't really like living here.. but when I'm 18 I will live in Maine!!!!]
I'm gonna come to a show if I get my dad to go there with us!!

With lots of love

P.S. :OH MY GOD! Not all Americans speak that way!! :D

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2010-02-20, 19:56

Your comment / Ihr Eintrag:
Hello Carrington-Brown,

Seen your splendid performance in Hoogeveen last sunday (after two serious concerts that weekend) and I must say it is a shame you are compared to H.L., you are far better musicians and singers so in a few years he will be compared to you two. Is there an all English DVD (coming)?
Hope to see you here again.

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2009-11-14, 16:02

Your comment / Ihr Eintrag:
Hello queen,,

I am the guy from Beethoven Hotel in Amsterdam if you remeber me.

I am so gladt to call you Queen, before i watch some of your shows, i i just liked you that you are a nice queen, but after that i really do like you so much and i hope you can get my e-mail addres and you can keep on touch with me, and as i promised you that you will have a place in our hotel as we said if you still remember me .

Looking forward to having anser from you .

Added / Hinzugefügt: 2009-10-29, 05:10
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